Q. You mentioned the false messiah in past articles. Is there a case to be made for a false bride he is coming to get? Would you cover this subject? Clarence
A. The false messiah is an eschatological character who will appear before the coming of the real Messiah. He is one of the main characters in the end times with volumes of information about him in the Scriptures. This subject has been dealt with in past articles so I won’t get into major details here, but there are numerous chapters, verses and personalities in the Scriptures that can give us a picture of him. Pharaoh, Absalom, Antiochus Epiphanes are major pictures. Dan 7-12, Ezek 29, Ezek 32, 2 Thess 2, Rev 13 are some obvious references to him. But there are thousands of indirect and subtle references that we have, and by putting them all together you can get a composite view. He will come and have many convinced that he is “Jesus” and change the Torah and festivals of G-d (Dan7). That has already been done. The spirit of the false messiah is already here in apostate Christianity. He will come and delude people into thinking he is the messiah of the Scriptures. He will come looking like people think”Jesus” looked like. Did you know that the Shroud of Turin is thought by many to be what artists used to paint pictures of what they think Yeshua looked like.
The long hair, the face are all similar to pictures we have of “Jesus”. But, it has been proved that the face on the Shroud of Turin is the exact replica of the face of Antiochus Epiphanes, A scriptural picture of the false messiah. Now, Antiochus forced people to turn from the commandments and follow pagan worship. He forced people to eat pig, roasted a sow on the altar in the Temple, changed the biblical festivals and so on. That is exactly what is being done today, although not by physical force yet, but that is coming. Right now, this turning away from the Torah is taught as institutionalized replacement theology in seminaries and churches.
When the false messiah comes, he will be saying exactly what the preachers and Christian theologians are saying now. He will be saying that he has” done away with the Law” and people will believe him then because they are being taught it now. There is nothing new under the sun. The false messiah will not be a Moslem or some crazy minister somewhere who oppose orthodox Christianity. The false messiah will actually have people convinced he is the true messiah because his theology will be just like what is taught today, confirmed by signs and wonders, which people will also follow. So, in a sense, he does have a false bride. That bride includes anyone who rejects the true Messiah, follows the teachings of man rather than the Torah, believes the Law has been done away with.
The false messiah will be so like the real messiah that if it were possible he would deceive the very elect, but he can’t because they will follow the Scriptures and that is how you know he is false. Anyone who teaches you to forsake the Sabbath, keep pagan festivals like Christmas, says you can eat whatever you want, tells you that the biblical festivals have been done away with is not from G-d. That is the teaching of the false messiah. It doesn’t matter what you feel like, what matters is what is institutionalized replacement theology is exactly what G-d’s enemies have been trying to do since Eden. Convince others that G-d didn’t really mean what He said and get people to turn away, for whatever reason. Being convinced you can eat pork is no different than eating the forbidden fruit of Eden.
And yet, people are told it’s alright, “you shall not surely die”, “has G-d really said” and so on. It’s the same lie that Satan told Chava and it is being told today because he knows it works. That is what the false messiah will do. Rev 12.17 says that Satan, the power behind the false messiah, will persecute those who believe in Jesus (Yeshua, the real one) and keep the commandments of G-d. Those that don’t will be following the false messiah and be the persecutors, just like it always has been. There is nothing new under the sun. The false messiah, it is believed by many going back to the 1st century, will be from the tribe of Dan. The world is being set up for him right now. In every community, every newspaper, in every church that follows apostate Christian teachings, every source you can imagine is preparing the way. I can recognize it for what it is, and I try to warn people about it.
But, his teachings, his spirit, his ways, his theology, his likeness is already here. In our congregation, this subject is dealt with extensively through the year. There is so much detail in the Word on this it would be impossible to go into here. So, everyone who is reading this has been forewarned to find the truth and to get out of any system that teaches you to do away with the commandments, any of them. All don’t apply to everyone, but they have not been done away with. Many are following the false messiah right now because the power behind him is Satan and he is the one who deludes the people, so it doesn’t really matter whether the false messiah is on the scene right now or not.
People have the “mark” of the beast by rejecting the L-rd’s commandments anyway, and the Scriptures are clear about this. What all this comes down to is unbelief It doesn’t matter if you wrap it in Christmas paper, reindeers, Santa Claus Christmas trees or whatever, it’s still unbelief. Are you one who has been deluded by this or are you letting the Spirit of G-d lead you out of Egypt? Time will tell, but time is running out.