Olive Tree Image

Olive Tree Image
Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction,
upon whom the ends of the ages have come.

1 Corinthians 10:11 (NASB95)

Saturday, May 9, 2015

What is the Work and Labor which we are to rest from?

Q.  I am new to Torah study and I am convinced that we should keep the 7th Day Sabbath, but my question is what is the "work" or "labor" that we are supposed to rest from and is it alright to drive on Sabbath since that would create a fire in the engine?

A.   If you look into the Hebrew word for "Work" it is "Melachah" and it means your work that you do for a living, that which you make money doing, your creative work.  In Scripture it will sometimes say "Abodah Melachah" which is often translated "servile work".  This is what we are to Rest from.  As far as not driving on  Sabbath because it would kindle a fire in the engine.  Keep in mind what I just said and also look at the one time the Torah says to not kindle a fire on Sabbath in Exodus 35:3.  Notice the context first.  This is when they are gathering all of the contributions of all the materials needed to build the Tabernacle and for the building of it.   Notice that it says "You shall not kindle a fire in any of your dwellings on the Sabbath day.  Remember their dwellings where tents in the wilderness.  This is talking about a work fire.  This is the reason the man was gathering wood on the Sabbath in Numbers 15:32.  If you are "kindling a fire" by driving to work in your car on the Sabbath then I would agree, but if you are driving to Bible Study or Synagogue on the Sabbath, then there is not a problem.  Traveling on Sabbath is ok unless it is for your work or job in which you get paid for.  Not traveling on Sabbath is an additional teaching of rabbinic judaism that says you can't travel certain distances on Sabbath.  The Bible never says such.  Remember that in Leviticus 23 the Sabbath is a "Holy Convocation", which is a "set-apart rehearsal" to the LORD.  If only one person shows up or no people show up for rehearsal, there is no rehearsal.  Today, where we live (outside of Jerusalem),  If you don't drive on the Sabbath, you are then not able to fulfill the command in Leviticus 23:3.  Yes, the perfect situation would be to live close enough to walk to Study or Synagogue, but where we are today, this is not the case for most.  Remember it says "not to kindle a fire in your dwelling".  Again, this only has to do with a work fire.  If a cold snap hit and your family was freezing, would it be wrong to collect wood to build a fire to warm your family or even to make some soup for the benefit of their well-being?  Of course not.  Torah allows Life to be more important than the "letter of the Law".  This is the same as helping the neighbor with the ox in the ditch.  It is never wrong or a sin to do good on the Sabbath.  If a command in the Bible seems to negate another command, then we have a conflict and that is chaos.  Our GOD is not a GOD of Chaos, but of Order.   I hope that this helps.  Maranatha, John

Matthew 10:35 Question.

Q.  Matthew 10:35-36, Yeshua (Jesus) says the He came to set man against his family.  Why would He do this?

A. Here is what I see.  Matt. 10:35-39, (as all Scripture should), needs to be taken in context with what is said previous to it in verses 32 through 34.  He is talking about confessing Him or denying Him.  Look at what happens to a Jew from a religious family who becomes a believer in Yeshua as the promised Messiah.  His or her family becomes an enemy to them.  There are some families that will even have a mock funeral for that son or daughter, because to them, their child is dead.  In verses 37 through 39, it gives us what this son or daughter will have to do.  They will have to deny their family for the sake of their love for Yeshua.  They have to take up their "stake" to follow Him.  Verse 39 fits with the funeral scenario.  If they deny Him to save their life within their family, the son or daughter is not worthy of Him.  They have to be willing to "lose" their life within their family, to gain eternal life in Him.  This scenario could be a wife or husband, a son or daughter, a daughter-in-law or son-in-law, or even friends and "church family"...  We, as followers of Yeshua are sometimes rejected by unbelieving family members.  I know all to well about this...   The Word divides.  It is a two-edged sword and it divides the body, the thoughts and intentions of the heart.  Hebrews 4:12.  Look at John 12:25-26; Luke 9:24-26; Mark 8:35-38; Matthew 16:24-26; Luke 12:8-9.   So, the question shouldn't be "why would He do that?", but "why would they do that?".  Why would a family deny the life of their beloved child because this child believes that the Messiah has already come and this Messiah is Yeshua ?   Unbelief and a stubborn, cold, uncircumcised Heart will cause hatred to the Truth and to those who bring the Truth....

I hope this helps... Maranatha, John

Prophet or Profit ?

Laying awake one night, the recent talk of the 2014-2015 Tetrad blood red moons came to mind.  This has gotten a lot of press in the last year or two as a last day sign of the end of days ..  As I thought about this, I was reminded how I got caught up in it and the possibility of what it points to.  I bought the books, watched the Youtube videos and even discussed it with excitement at our Bible study fellowship.  Reflecting on this, the word "Prophet" came to mind, but as I contemplated this thought I realized that it was spelled "Profit".  Sometimes lessons or correction can be had with one word.  I get excited about the Return of our Redeemer, and I guess that my desire for Him to return, might have blinded me a bit. I believe that what I was supposed to learn from all of this is that in the End of Days our Heavenly Father is going to cause/ allow things to fall upon the inhabitants of the Earth which have Never happened before.  It will be something brand new which has never occurred in Earth's history.  It will be similar to what happened to Korah and all of those who stood against Moses and Aaron in the Wilderness. (Numbers16:30).  It will happen suddenly with NO time for any so called prophet to make profit from selling books, speaking engagements, videos, etc...  I see that a "litmus test" which we should perfom with things like this is to ask ourselves; "is this teacher, pastor, writer, etc., a prophet or are they making profit".  A simple lesson from one word..  If someone is making money with the Bible, red flags should immediately go up.   Lesson learned..  Thank you Father for correcting me.  I hope that everyone who reads this will do the same..  Maranatha,  John