Q. In Revelation 13.3 it says that the Beast will suffer a mortal head wound. Does this mean that the Antichrist will be assassinated and come back to life?
A. No, this has symbolic meaning so let me explain. The Book of Revelation is full of symbolic language and the symbols used can be found throughout Scripture. In Revelation 13.1, John sees a beast arising out of the sea. The sea is symbolic of the unconverted “sea” of humanity (Isa 57.20). In Jewish writings of the 1st century this creature was known as Leviathan and he is also symbolic of the false messiah. Look up Leviathan in the Jewish Encyclopedia or Google it and there will be much information on it. This creature has seven heads. In Revelation 17. 9 these 7 heads are 7 mountains, and mountains in Scripture were symbolic of world kingdoms (Dan 2.25, Matt 16.18, Gen 49.24, Matt 21,44, Isa 2.2)). These kingdoms are Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome and then Revived Rome. In Revelation 17.10 it says “five have fallen” by the time Revelation was written and that would be the first five just mentioned, one is and that’s Rome and the other has yet to come, Revived Rome. It says that when it comes it must remain a short while, which is the 7 years of the Tribulation. Now, in Revelation it says “he” but the kingdom is always personified by the king. The king was the kingdom. Now, back to Revelation 13.3. It says that “one” of the seven heads (plural) was slain. That means that Rome “fell” but this wound was healed. That simply means that Rome will be “revived” temporarily for 7 years. In other words, certain nations have arisen and have held dominion over Israel and all of God’s people. The wounded head was Rome and being “healed” is referring to the fact that Rome will be “revived” in the last days and the geographical area that will make up this last kingdom will be the same area that was part of the old Roman Empire. It will be primarily 10 nations, just like the Roman Empire was made up of 10 divisions as it fell apart. The 10 toes of the image in Daniel 2 reflect not only the Roman Empire as it fell apart, but are also symbolic of the 10 divisions of Revived Rome. So, this “beast” is symbolic in Revelation 13. It had seven heads that ruled over Israel, and 10 horns that are the same as the 10 toes in Nebuchadnezzar’s image. The “head” that was slain is Rome, and it being “healed’ refers the fact that 10 nations or areas that were a part of the old Roman Empire will make be aligned together in what is referred to as “revived Rome” with the false messiah as the head. It is not the literal “head” of the false messiah that is slain but one of the 7 “heads” (mountains, kingdoms=Revelation17.9) that once ruled over Israel, and that would be Rome.