Abraham with the 3 Heavenly Visitors. Gen. 18:6
How do we know that this bread was unleavened?
Look at the word "cakes"=uggah=disc or cake of bread. Cake baked on hot stones.
Notice the word "uggah" is used 7 times in the entire Bible. The context of all of the verses that this word is used in is with unleavened bread.
This includes Matzah, Manna and Lechem ( Dan. 5:1 uses Lechem as meaning Feast. A feast of Food).. All 3 words can give a picture of Yeshua, the Bread of Life. Sinless... No Leaven.... Most, if not all of these verses have an urgency to them and Chametz (Leaven) doesn't appear in connection with them.
Please look up these 7 references. Genesis 18:6; Exodus 12:39; Numbers 11:8; 1 Kings 17:13; 19:6; Ezekiel 4:12; Hosea 7:8..
Within the Feast of Unleavened Bread we see the pattern of the 7. Perfection, Completion. To be "sinless" all the days of our life". But in the world, Leaven is all around us..
Beware the Leaven of the Pharisee's, Sadducees, and Herod: Hypocrisy and Murder.. It is pernicious and tends to infect others...
Mat. 16:6-12; Mk 8:15; Luke 12:1
We need to get rid of the Leaven and partake of the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. 1 Cor. 5:6-8
Although Leaven generally is a picture of Sin or Corruption, however it doesn't always point to "sin". Leavened Bread can also refer to the Good News, Yeshua, the Bread of Life, spreading.. Mat. 13:33; Luke 13:21.
Yeshua is the Bread of Life. Unleavened/Sinless and also Leavened with Sincerity and Truth.
Matt. 26:26; (Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19; 1 Cor. 11:24.); John 6:32,33, 35, 48, 51.
Man shall not live by bread alone: Dt. 8:3, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of G-D. Matthew 4:4.. "Word" in Greek is "Rhema"=speech, what is uttered from a living voice, any sort of message, a narrative, a spoken matter of command... by meaning, "Rhema" is related to "Logos"...
Who spoke and who Created? John 1:1-5,14; Colossians 1:16.
The LOGOS... The Davar/Dabar. The Speaker and that which was Spoken, that which Created and that which causes everything to exist...
THE TORAH ! The Torah/Word made Flesh... Yeshua !