Olive Tree Image

Olive Tree Image
Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction,
upon whom the ends of the ages have come.

1 Corinthians 10:11 (NASB95)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Signs of the End Time

Q. What are some signs that we are in the end times?

A. There have been many books written on this question and there are some obvious signs like war, pestilence and a rise in evil. Since Yeshua walked this earth these signs have gotten worse and worse and those that lived in each generation thought that things could not get worse and that they were living in the last days, but they were wrong. Some basic signs can be found in Mat 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21, but I am going to give some other signs that are implied and what I am looking for. First, one must have a knowledge of the biblical calendars and festivals. These are signs that the Lord gave and a timetable for events. In biblical eschatology, the world since creation will go on for 6000 years and then we enter into the last thousand years called "the Lord's Day" and the 7 day week we go by today is a picture of that. We know that there will be a Temple built and it will be active during the Tribulation. We know from 2 Thes. 2 and Rev 11 it will be in operation during the tribulation. There are scriptures that indicate that it will begin operating at the beginning of the last 1000 year day called the Lord's Day as mentioned before. That 1000 year period begins on a Rosh Ha Shanah, so the Altar will be in operation before the actual Temple building is done (Ezra 3.1-6) and so it is possible that the day the rapture occurs (Rosh Ha Shanah, year 6001 from creation) will also be the first day the offerings begin on the Temple Mount. So that means that the believers will be here up to that point, which means we could see several things first. In order to have an operating Altar you would have to have the Temple Mount. You also will need a Red Heifer slaughtered in order to cleanse people from ritual uncleanliness from contact with the dead. The Red Heifer would have to be slaughtered at least 7 days before the Temple or Altar could begin to operate, so we could see that. We also would have to see the priests being prepared and the actual Altar being built and cleansed, along with all the utensils that will be used. Much of this will have to begin 7 days prior to the actual beginning. So, here is what I am looking for. I believe that the the rapture of the believers will happen on a Tishri 1 of the biblical calendar. But before that will happen we will see the following things happen. We will see the Temple Mount in Jewish control where they will begin putting up an Altar for the coming Temple. I believe we will also see the priesthood being prepared and cleansed from ritual uncleanliness, which means we will see a Red Heifer slaughtered on the Mount of Olives. This has to be done at least 7 days prior to Tishri 1 so that would put this around the 24th of Elul according to the biblical calendar. These cleansings take 7 days according to the Torah (Num 19). So, along with the general signs Yeshua gave there are more specific signs to look for. When Israel gets the Temple Mount, when a Red Heifer is slaughtered and a priesthood prepared to make offering and an Altar is built on the Mount, the next Rosh Ha Shannah will be the day the rapture occurs. Then 10 days later the 7 year Tribulation will begin on Yom Kippur.

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