Q. What is the overall theme of the Bible?
A. The overall theme is redemption and restoration, but there are several principles that need to be understood. These themes are very evident if you are going to understand the Book of Revelation. As discussed before, G-d's ultimate plan is the "Unification of His name" (Zech. 14.9). In Hebrew thought, this is the most important verse in scripture. The most important book is Leviticus because it is about holiness. The most important section of scripture is the Shema, and that was the underlying theme of Paul's writings. This "unification" is illustrated in several ways. The heavens will be united with the earth, the groom with the bride.
The Olive tree theology of Paul with Jews and Gentiles in one tree, one bride, one Kahal, or congregation that follows the Torah and believes in Yeshua. Also, the 3rd Temple envisioned by Ezekiel is a prime example of this unification. If one can grasp what the unification of the Name is, you will better understand the Scriptures. Satan's "job" is to counter this unification and establish his own. He said in Isa. 14.14 that "I will be like the Most High" and he has tried to "replace" what G-d has established. For instance, a major theme of these articles is to show that a believer in Yeshua must keep the commandments. This part of G-d's unification. Certain theologies come along and say you are free from the Law and you can do what you want.
Most Church theologies agree with this. However, that is a part of how Satan has caused a "disunity" between G-d and man and he wants to establish his own "anti-G-d" theology by deceiving people into lawlessness, or "anomia" as the Scripture puts it. Satans tactics include deception, counterfeiting, and doubt in G-d's word. But, everything Satan does fits in with G-d's purposes, so don't think he is doing whatever he wants. The main expression of the disunity is that G-d's presence, the Shekinah (pronounced Shkee"nah) is "seperated" from the rest of G-d, being in "exile" with His people. This seperation is caused by disregard for the Torah on Israels part and to some extent that of the world. This gives greater"power" to Satan and the "dark side" if you will. The book of Numbers illustrates these principles in the story of Balaam. This causes greater disunion and a lessening of G-d's protection. This causes even worse apostacy and the hearts of many will fail.
The nature and tactics of Satan is demonstrated in Israel's historical enemies like Pharaoh, Haman, Amalek, Balaam, Nebuchadnezzar, Antiochus Epiphanes, Absalom and the list goes on even to todays Arafat, Saddam, and the U.N. Studying thes accounts must also be done on several levels. There is the Peshat (literal), Remez(alluding to), drash(threshing out, interpretive), Sowd (mystical, hidden). These are some of the main principles in understanding the Scriptures and are very simply laid out here, but have deeper aspects as you delve into the Scriptures. G-d will win in these battles, but many will be lost as a result of Satan's tactics. We must be aware of what is going on so that we can avoid the judgement and properly, with a pure heart, take advantage of G-d's mercy and escape what lies ahead not only in this world, but the next.
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