Q. What is the Threshold Covenant?
A. There are many covenants in the Scriptures. Many are well known like the Edenic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic
And so on. There are others that are less known like the Salt Covenant (Lev 2.13) and the Threshold Covenant. Again, this is not the place to go into massive detail on this but we can go over some of the concepts of the Threshold Covenant and how it applies to the redemption and the Messiah. It is not named that per se in the Scriptures, but the concepts are there. The term “threshold” in Hebrew is “miphtan” and it has a Hebraic root meaning to “twist” and “serpent.” This is very informative because this will specifically relate to Eden and Passover.
The threshold was seen as a marked spot and it had a special sanctity. There were specific things that were not to be done there (1Sam 5.4, Zeph 1.9, 1Sam 2.22). There were special “keepers” (2 k 22.4, 1Chr 9.22, 2Chr 23.4, Jer 35.4.). Now, the threshold was seen as the boundry of the “allotment” G-d has given to each person. The man was seen as the head of the household and ideally the L-rd should be the “household deity” of that house, but most times He isn’t. The unbelievers and pagan societies had their own gods, but that is not the concern with a believer. Anyone entering had to submit to the authority of the head of the house. You did not disrespect that house or the “threshold” because that invited the wrath of the household deity, and in our case, the L-rd.(Heb 10.28-29). Israel was made up of 12 tribes, so the “tribal G-d” is the L-rd, and He will protect the tribes (Gen 12.1-3). Abraham was called away from his father’s house and deities, to form a new “household” with the L-rd as the “household G-d” and along with that His blessing and protection.
So let’s look at the Scriptures now and apply some of these concepts. In Exodus 12 we have the story of the Passover. The word for Passover in Hebrew is “pesach” and it means to “leap over”. What is implied is the threshold after the blood of the lamb has been applied to it. The destroyer had no right to desecrate the sanctity of that house and enter there because the” household deity” was the L-rd, marked by the blood of the covenant. The threshold of Dagon, the god of the Philistines was held sacred, and G-d sent a message by having the idol prostrate and broken before the ark of the covenant ”over the threshold” in 1Sam 5.5. In 1 K 18.20-21
Elijah says to the people “How long will you hesitate between two opinions” during his confrontation with the priests of Baal. The word “hesitate” is “pawsach” in Hebrew and has the same root as pesach (Passover). How long will they” leap over” the threshold covenant G-d has made with them. There are Scriptures referring to the threshold as sacred (Lev 17 1-9). The priests were consecrated there The Kivod (glory) came there and departed the Temple from there in Ezek 10.18.Yeshua does not violate the threshold of our ‘house’ (Rev 3.20). He will not “force his way in” but let’s the “head of the house (person)” decide. That’s why some never get saved.
Remember, you don’t tread upon the threshold of another’s house. Also, there are many “doors” in this life and not all of them are of G-d (Mt 7.13). So, the threshold covenant marks the boundry and limits of our access to the L-rd. The blood on the threshold line is the visible line G-d has established. This “way” was once guarded by the Cherubim in the Garden of Eden because a “korban (to draw near) was needed. That’s why in the Tabernacle, the altar was at the door. We must pass through the blood-line of Yeshua, and Yeshua is the threshold (door) and the only way into the presence, protection and salvation of the L-rd which is the Threshold Covenant. For more information you can contact us at otwaxahachie.net.
You seem to know your stuff. Do you know if there is any strong link between the concept of Shalom and the concept of Covenant? Since Paul refers to Shalom so much and making one man out of two I half expected there would be?