Olive Tree Image

Olive Tree Image
Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction,
upon whom the ends of the ages have come.

1 Corinthians 10:11 (NASB95)

Friday, July 6, 2007

Q. Have you heard of the “Two House” theory in Messianic Judaism?

A. Yes and there are some previous articles about it and how it has some real problems but let me go over 4 fatal flaws of this theory again. This theory is built on the false premise that the 10 Northern Tribes “lost” their identity. The Scriptures and history say otherwise but that doesn’t stop those who don’t want to listen. This premise will be found in the teachings of Mormonism, British Israelites, Aryanism and several other variations and is now being seen among Messianics as the “Ephraimite” or “Two House” theories. The second flaw say’s that remnants of the lost tribes are among the Gentiles. And if you have a desire for Israel and Torah Observance you are really part of a lost tribe of Israel. But, God’s word says that the salvation is for all nations and Gentiles should be coming to the Messiah and the Torah. The prophets predicted they would, but that doesn’t mean one is Jewish. The third flaw is only when realizes they are descended from one of the “lost” tribes can the prophecies about union between Israel and Judah be fulfilled. The truth is, this union will come about as an event distinct from the salvation of the nations. The last flaw is you can’t prove you are descended from one of the lost tribes anyway because there are no genealogies that go back to the first century anymore. There some physical tests that can reveal some things and names can be indicators but very few people could prove it, even if your last name was Bernstein or Cohen. The main point is it really doesn’t matter. God saves among the Jews and the gentiles and the important thing is to in the Body of Messiah, part of the “called out one’s” or Kahal/ekklesia of God. Believe me, God doesn’t care about pedigree’s or birth certificates because He already knows.

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