Olive Tree Image

Olive Tree Image
Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction,
upon whom the ends of the ages have come.

1 Corinthians 10:11 (NASB95)

Friday, September 11, 2009

This week we will continue with spiritual warfare

This week we will continue with spiritual warfare and look into the most important aspect of the whole thing, and that is The Commander. We must have a balanced, biblical view of the Lord in our warfare in order to be victorious. We should never get into a battle or a confrontation unless the Lord leads. Until then, we wait and seek Him and most of all prepare (learn). This area of preparation (learning) is very neglected. Most of the people I know, especially spiritually, do not do this. I’ve known some people over 10 years and they haven’t learned anything, they still see things the same way and don’t really prepare. As a result, they get into the same battles over and over again with no resolution or victory. If God called you into a battle, then put the burden on Him, but God must direct you. He will show you how to attack, whether it’s the direct method (they can see you coming) or not. The avenue of attack is very important along with the timing and method of warfare. When you have done all that you can, then “stand firm” and don’t break ranks. We must never attack unless we have a clear word from the Lord. David waited until the mulberry tree moved. Why? The sound of the wind in the trees covered the sound of his troops moving. When there are problems, take them to the Lord, but don’t tell God what to do because He is your Commander, not the other way around. Also, we should not talk to Satan while praying, that is talking to the enemy. Talk strategy and tactics with the Lord. Hezekiah did not talk to the enemy in Isa 36.21 but went to the Lord. The only way for a lasting victory is intervention by God, your strength alone won’t do it. If God is in control, then we must ask “why am I being attacked?” It could be to challenge us, to teach us warfare (Judges 3.1-3). Also, ask “why are the attacks so hard?”. This will always be to strengthen us for the future. People who undergo tremendous battles are usually being prepared for something bigger. Another question to ask is “why do we feel defeated?” But remember, no matter the losses along the way, the Lord is always the winner.

When given a directive from God, complete the job. Don’t get to a stopping place and just quit, as so many tend to do. Your enemy will be diligent in his objectives, so should we. An Amalekite killed King Saul after he failed to wipe them out as instructed. And later, as chronicled in the Book of Esther, a descendant of the Amalekite King Agag nearly carried out a plan to exterminate the Jewish people. So, we must finish the job. There are stories in history where the victorious army stopped to loot the victims, allowing the enemy to get away. As a result, they had to continue fighting longer because the enemy had time to recover. Another thing to keep in mind, rank does not necessarily mean talent. The Lord and the disciples were not a part of the high class society of Israel, and yet look at the talent and gifting of God they had. On the other hand, just because someone has a high “rank” doesn’t mean he has talent. There’s nothing worse than inferior talent in places of leadership. And remember, God will not hit you at a level you are not prepared for unless you have not proceeded to the level you should be. If you are a “child” who is at a first grade level but you should be at a fourth grade level He will allow you to be “hit” with fourth grade “material” because you failed to learn the things you should have. Next week we will continue with the next part of spiritual warfare which will be how to make wise preparations. This will be a very important aspect of warfare because preparing wisely can be a deterrent to someone who wants to start something with you. He must stop and count the cost, and if it’s too high, then he won’t fight and there will be peace. False teachers will not be a snare to you. So, don’t miss next week and how to make wise preparations.

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