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Olive Tree Image
Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction,
upon whom the ends of the ages have come.

1 Corinthians 10:11 (NASB95)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Q. In Lk 24.39 it says that the Lord had "flesh and bone" after the resurrection. Does that mean he didn't have blood?

A. When the Lord appeared and said he had "flesh and bone" he was contrasting flesh and spirit. He said flesh and bone because that was something they could see and feel. You couldn't see blood so there was no point in saying it. But there is more to this. He is alluding to Gen 2.23 where Adam see's Eve and says that she is now "bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh." Adam was put to sleep and a rib was taken out of his side. Eve was created and Adam knows the significance of it. In the same way, Yeshua was "put to sleep" and a bride was taken from his side as well. And, like Adam, he see's his" bride" (the apostles) and alludes to what Adam said. The Apostle Paul also alludes to this concept in Eph 5.26 where he compares the relationship between Adam and Eve with Messiah and his bride and quotes Gen 2.23. Now, to answer your question more specifically, the resurrection body is NOT lacking anything that a mortal body has but something has been added. In 1 Cor 15. 50-58 it says that the "perishable (carnal body) must put on the imperishable." In v 50 the term "flesh and blood" is a Hebrew idiom referring to the carnal state, the mortal body, subject to death. Something has to happen in order to enter the Kingdom of God. The Bible does not state all the capabilities of the new body nor does it state whether it has blood or not. At times, the physical is not bound by the law of physics. Peter walked on water, Phillip was translated and placed miles away in a twinkling of an eye, the axe head floated to the top of the Jordan. It's the same with the new body. We can function anywhere in the universe with a glorified, physical body. Yeshua and those who were resurrected after him are in Heaven right now and function just fine and we are returning to the capable, functioning, physical bodies God originally had in mind when he first created them. Yeshua appears in a locked room (Jn 20.26) but he will still use doors. The original body, including blood, was very good (Gen 1.31) and there is no reason to believe that the resurrection body will be lacking anything. In the Messianic Kingdom, normal activities will be carried out like farming, fishing, eating and drinking, building and so on. Just because the Lord did not mention blood in Lk 24.39 does not mean he did not have blood. Leviticus 17.11 says that "life is in the blood" and the word for life there is "nephesh" and that is the soulish life, the seat of the appetites and personality. Decision making, emotions, passions, activity of the mind, the "knowing" of the being is seated there. Blood is the "operator" of the computer (brain) and not to mention the RNA and the DNA. There is no reason to believe that resurrection bodies will not have blood based on this verse.

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