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Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction,
upon whom the ends of the ages have come.

1 Corinthians 10:11 (NASB95)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Why is the Catholic Church so interested in having control of the Holy sites in Jerusalem?

For centuries the Vatican has been pushing its "replacement theology" also called "super session-ism" and this view has been adopted by Protestant churches as well. The doctrine states that the Catholic Church has replaced Israel as the "New Israel" in that the promises made to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob now apply to Christianity. The Catholic Church believes they are the embodiment of the New Israel and this view can plainly be seen in the writings of the Church Fathers. Constantine formalized much of it and wanted to "root out the last vestiges of Judaism" from the Doctrines of the church at the Council of Nicea and it carried on from there. The Catholic Church wants Israel to lose sovereign control over the old city of Jerusalem so that the "promises" apply to the "New Jerusalem" or the Catholic Church. If Israel controls Jerusalem it is evidence that Rome's claims are false and that the literal interpretation of Scripture is correct. There is no place for the restoration of Israel in its theology. How can the Vatican claim to be the New Jerusalem and rightful heir to the Kingdom of God if the Jews control Jerusalem? Before 1948 that wasn't a problem, but Israel has returned to the land by the hand of God. How can the Vatican convince the world that their version of replacement theology is correct with Israel in control? So, the real goal is to have the Vatican "take control" over the old city of Jerusalem. Any "peace" agreement between Israel and the Palestinians is just a cover story to hide what is really going on. The Muslims want control of the Temple Mount and the old city for the same reason. It shows the dominance of Allah over the God of the Bible. Either way, the Jews cannot have this control because it shows that Catholic replacement theology is in error. Violence in the Middle East serves both purposes and it is really a struggle over whose theology is correct. Violence serves the interest of both the Muslims and replacement theology Christianity. The end goal of the Vatican is to seize control of the old city of Jerusalem out of the hands of the State of Israel. They have committed themselves in public to supporting Palestinian authority in Jerusalem. A deal with the Palestinians would include control over the holy sites and to control the old city of Jerusalem. In short, their plan is to "steal" Jerusalem from the Jews by trying to negotiate agreements meant to transfer ownership of national Israeli property into the hands of foreigners. They initiate or support any process that will wrestle control of the Temple Mount, Western Wall and Jerusalem out of the hands of Israel. Remember that the Roman Church inherited the legacy of Rome as the destroyer of Jerusalem and who had the Jews exiled. All the churches that exist in the land are the result of that destruction and the Vatican wants it to stay that way.

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