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Olive Tree Image
Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction,
upon whom the ends of the ages have come.

1 Corinthians 10:11 (NASB95)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Azazel (Scapegoat) and the False Messiah

Q. All through the Torah animals are treated with kindness and cruelty was not allowed. So was the killing of the Azazel goat on Yom Kippur really how God wanted it done?

A. One of the most important feast days in the Scriptures is Yom Kippur. Several sacrifices were made on this day and they were used to purify the Temple and the altar. They were also used to cleanse the priests and the entire Israelite congregation. The service can be found in Leviticus 16. What we are going to concentrate on is the two goats mentioned in the service. Lots were cast and one goat was a sacrifice to the Lord and the other was called in Hebrew "Azazel" but in many Bibles that word is translated "scapegoat" but in this article it will be referred to by its biblical name Azazel. The first goat was "to the Lord" or L'Adonai in Hebrew and this represented Yeshua. It's the second goat that many are confused about. While the first goat was slain as a means of atonement for the people, the actual sins of the people were placed on the head of the second goat. Just like we use the word "scapegoat" today, the actual blame for the sins of the people was placed upon the second goat. The first goat was a blameless, innocent sacrifice just like Yeshua (2 Cor 5.21). So we see that the first goat "bore" the sins, the second goat took the blame. Not only was the second goat not killed but it was released into the wilderness. There is no indication that this goat was led out there to die, goats can survive in the wilderness. It was for this reason the Jews changed the Mosaic Law and they began to take this second goat to a cliff and have it pushed over the edge and be torn to pieces. This would prevent the goat from wondering back into a village or something. This procedure was an addition of the Rabbi's and not commanded by the Lord. So, that should help with your question. From this point let's go into some deep truths. The term Azazel means "complete removal" and in Hebrew literature Azazel is the name of an individual who leads people against the Lord. In the book of Enoch, chapter 54.4-6 it says that chains were being prepared for the hosts of Azazel who have subjected themselves to Satan and leading astray those who dwell on the earth. Other references to Azazel in the book of Enoch can be found in 10.4-9; 10.11-14; 13.1-3; 55.3-4. Azazel fits the description of the false messiah and here is why. We know that the Lord will return to earth on Yom Kippur. Not the rapture but the second coming. The false messiah will closely resemble the true Messiah and will deceive many into believing that he is messiah but he isn't. Just like the the two goats on Yom Kippur, they will look very similar on the outside. This was actually acted out on Passover when the Lord was brought before Pilate and Barabbas was brought forth also. The two of them stood there and Yeshua was judged blameless but condemned and Barabbas was released into the world (the wilderness) and nothing was ever heard of him again. In like manner, Azazel is the false messiah and he is not a believer, his sins are on his own head, as are the sins of those who follow him and they are dismissed and removed from before the Lord. It seems that Azazel is not a picture of the Messiah but a picture of the false messiah and that he will meet his end on Yom Kippur when the true Messiah will return to the city of Jerusalem.

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