Olive Tree Image

Olive Tree Image
Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction,
upon whom the ends of the ages have come.

1 Corinthians 10:11 (NASB95)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Two House Theory

This week I want to go over a belief among many believers called the Ephraimite or "two house" theory that says that in European and American Christianity there are some Christians who claim to be Jews with a "bloodline" from Ephraim, a son of Joseph, with a genealogical link. These "Ephraimites" who claim a blood link use a theological premise rooted in replacement theology. They believe in the 10 lost tribes of Israel. But, the these tribes were never really lost and many remained in Israel after the Assyrian dispersion and Scripture says they were still in the land.

In the New Testament Anna was from Asher and the book of James was written to the 12 tribes of Israel. Those individuals who have adopted this label have opened their hearts to the Holy Spirit and have adopted a Torah observant lifestyle which, to them, proves they are of Jewish descent. However, having the Torah written on their hearts is evidence of true repentance but this does not change their DNA. They believe themselves to be a Jewish "remnant" found among the nations. This "theory" never appears in Scripture and there are four major flaws in this thinking. First, as mentioned above, it presumes that the Northern tribes lost their identity but the Scriptures prove otherwise. In 2 Chr 30. 1-18 it says that many from the northern tribes participated in Hezekiah's re institution of Passover. Secondly, it presumes that all or most believers in Yeshua are descendants of these 10 "lost" tribes but God's plan of salvation is for "all nations" not just the 12 tribes of Israel. Third, it presumes that only when one "realizes" that they are one of the descendants of Ephraim can the prophecies of the union between Judah and Israel be realized. However, this union comes as an event distinct from the salvation of the nations. And last, how can one prove they are a descendant of one of the lost tribes anyway. There are no genealogies. This theory seems to be popular among those who think their salvation is lacking in some way unless they can show that they are Jewish. The Lord said that the Holy Spirit would move among the Gentiles and that the Torah would be written upon their hearts. This does not prove that they are of Jewish descent but shows true repentance. Many Messianic Bible teachers today are deceiving many into thinking that they are of Jewish descent and who knows what their true motivations are. Maybe it is to develop a following that fills their pockets and supports their ministries, but it is not based on Scripture and it is an error. Rather than judge their motivations, a deeper study into the flaws of this theology will help you avoid the pitfalls of such a belief and help you obtain a balanced view of the prophecies and the role of the Gentiles in the Body of Messiah. God doesn't care about your genealogy when it comes to salvation. His call goes out to Jew and Gentile alike and He does care about changing the hearts of those He calls with no respect to a persons genealogy.

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