Q. Is there a coming Temple coming in the future and what does it mean?
A.Yes, in fact there are several coming. To answer the question, let's do a little history first. We know from scripture that G-d does not need buildings or shrines to live in (1 K 8, Acts 17). We also know that He has chosen specific locations in the past, like Eden, Mt. Sinai , to manifest His presence in certain ways. The Mishkan, or tabernacle, was erected and used for hundreds of years. Then, Solomons Temple was constructed and eventually destroyed because of the people.
After 70 years in captivity, what was known as Zerubabels temple wa built on the site of Solomon's temple. This was expanded by the Maccabee's and then more expansion by King Herod. That Temple was destroyed in 70 C.E. by the Romans and 40 years after Yeshua predicted its demise. No Temple has existed since then, but plans are being made for what is called the Third Temple. Up to this point, G-d Himself has been involved in the other buildings and prophets were there to lead the people, but in this case I have a few problems. First, where are the prophets who who believe in Yeshua? Where is their leadership and direction from G-d? Who says G-d is even in the construction of this Temple. We know from prophecy that one will be built( Mt24, 2 Thes 2, Rev 11). But, did G-d tell them to build it.
The people don"t even believe, and that is one reason why the Temple was destroyed in the first place, so He is going to allow it again when the people are even worse off? I don't know. We know from Zech 6 that the Messiah will build a Temple, and I believe that is Ezekiels Temple (Ezek 40-48). There are some interesting features of this Temple. No wall of partition to exclude Gentiles, no Court of the Women, no Laver, Table for Bread, Incense table, Menorah ,Veil, Ark, and major changes to the Altar. And most interesting, the Temple will not be in Jerusalem, but north of the city (Ezek 45.1-8, Ezek 48). Then, after the Messianic Kingdom, there will be Temple at all (Rev 21). What the Temple means is a dwelling place for G-d, and that will ultimately be within His people. In addition, the Temple was like a big university and the kohanim (priests) were like the teachers. People would come to learn about G-d, redemption, sacrifice and sin. They would learn about prophecy and forgiveness.
They would learn about prayer and being in the presence of G-d and what worship and spiritual warfare really was. When the people were following the Torah, it was an awesome place. And when the people were corrupt, it was a horrible place, with G-d himself finally having to destroy it 2 times. I'm afraid that the next Temple will be in that category and will be destroyed in the Tribulation periuod, making way for Ezekiels to be built by the Messiah. I am not convinced that G-d is behind these Temple plans right now. The people do not believe and they are planning to build it like the second Temple with man-made additions (not in the next biblical Temple by the way), and there are no prophets leading the way like before. Where is the direction from G-d on this. I'm afraid the plans are in the image and at the direction of the sons of the Pharisee's.
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