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Olive Tree Image
Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction,
upon whom the ends of the ages have come.

1 Corinthians 10:11 (NASB95)

Friday, November 4, 2005

Sin unto death

Q. What is the “sin unto death?”

A. Basically it can be un-confessed sin or unbelief. A true believer in Yeshua cannot lose his salvation, but G-d does chasten those that are His, and this is the final straw that can be used. For instance, Saul died because of his unbelief and resistance to G-d’s plan in regards to David and Saul didn’t exactly have the best of attitude, even consulting a witch.

Well, it cost him his life and his sons died as well. Moses died because of his unbelief when he struck the rock instead of speaking to it. He was not allowed to go into the Promised Land. There were certain believers in Corinth that died due to sin(1Cor 11.30). Yeshua said there was one sin that can never be forgiven, and that is against the Ruach ha Kodesh, or the Holy Spirit. The Ruach is the One who draws us to the L-rd. To reject His workings means we can’t be led to repentance, and therefore that person will be lost. Some believe that suicide or some other sin is the “unpardonable sin”. But, the only sin that can never be forgiven is unbelief, as Moses found out. The best was to avoid the “sin unto death” is to repent and turn to G-d.

That is why this writer has for years tried to get you, the reader, to see that the commandments of G-d are valid and not “done away with.” Many of you are still disregarding the Sabbath, or say it is Sunday, and by doing so you are committing a persistent sin. By doing away with the Torah, you have just redefined sin against what G-d has already said was sin.

You haven’t added to His word, but you have taken away from it. You have invalidated the Word of G-d by man-made traditions, which at the root is simple unbelief. You cannot redefine what G-d has already said was sin, but that is exactly what man has done. If you want to know what sin is, go to the Word. The first century believers all kept the Torah and taught it to others as an expression of true, biblical faith. If you are not keeping the commandments and say you know the L-rd, you are a liar (1Jn 2.1-4). The question of the “sin unto death” becomes a real issue with you. True repentance means you keep the Sabbath, biblical festivals, and eating the biblical foods as allowed by the L-rd. You are to love the L-rd and your neighbor as yourself.

These things have never been done away with, and Yeshua said Himself they were not done away with. Those that were taught by the Messiah Himself never, ever, heard Him say that the Torah was done away or will be done away with after His death. We see they obeyed it in the first- century, it is obeyed by believers in the Tribulation (Rev 12.17), and will be obeyed in the Messianic Kingdom. Why do people insist on believing that has been done away with now. That would mean this is the only period in human history that man doesn’t have to obey G-d’s Word! Not hardly. And they will say it is “after the cross” and it has been fulfilled.

Well, so is the Tribulation and the Kingdom periods, and it is obeyed then, so somebody didn’t tell those believers. In short, the sin unto death is persistent sin basically due to rebellion and unbelief. So, next time you work on Sabbath or a festival, next time you sit down to some catfish or shrimp, ask yourself if you are in that position or danger. Now, be a doer of the Word!

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