Q.People try to pass the "vicar" title on the pope as saying he was really the "replacement" of St. Peter. However, is it biblical to refer to disciples and others as "saints", as in the title? Secondly, what does the vicar of Christ really mean? Was the pope really referred to as the vicar of Christ by Catholics, that being the replacement on earth, or was it something that non-Catholics "misinterpreted?"
A. You have several questions , so let's take them one at a time. It is not necessary to use"St" in front of the names of certain people. This comes from the fact that the Catholic Church has "canonized" a person as a "saint" because of some special endowment of G-d's grace on them .
They investigate their lives with certain criteria and recognize that they had special"status" because of their "holiness." Protestant churches endorse this practice by accepting this designation in referring to the apostles especially. This is not scriptural, but we have seen it done many times over the years. To refer to a believer in Yeshua as a "saint" is scriptural. Paul in his letters refers to the believers as saints. This word comes from the Hebrew"tzaddikim" which means separated one. , and this separation coming by faith in the L-rd and the keeping of His commandments. It is acceptable to refer to any believer as a saint, but there is no special status, one over the other, like Christianity does.
The term "vicar of Christ" means "substitute" of Christ. According to Catholic doctrine, they believe the pope has authority to be Christ's substitute on earth.Pope Leo xiii said, " We hold upon this earth the place of G-d Almighty." The Catholic catechism, 1994 p. 254 says that "the Pope holds that title." Pope Boniface viii in 1302 said, " it is necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff." So, the is really referred to as the vicar of Christ and it is taught that way. During the last papal funeral, this term was used over and over again.
This occasion was used to get the message out across the world that the pope has spiritual authority of the whole world. And the protestants have nothing to brag about, because every church follows some papal doctrine to this day. Examples of papal authority is Sunday worship, Easter, Christmas, not having to keep the biblical food laws and many more. When a protestant obeys these things, they obey the Catholic Church and papal authority. They are free to choose who they will follow, don't get me wrong, but take a closer look at this before you criticize a Catholic.
I grew up Catholic, and I've heard the Protestant arguments and we used to smile because they followed us and "didn't even know it." Look at the nice things protestant ministers said about the last pope. Quotes like, A true man of faith for our generation" and "man of G-d" and such. So, yes the pope is really referred to as the substitute of Christ on earth and this is not something that the non-Catholics made up. But, isn't that what all mankind has done? We make up our own doctrines like" the Law has been done away with" and" the Sabbath has been changed to Sunday", or "I am free to eat pork because I' m free from the Law." When we make statements like that and disobey the clear word of G-d on this, don't we make ourselves a "vicar of Christ" on earth? So, in all fairness, this doctrine is not any more heinous than what we all have done.
That is why we need to repent and turn to the L-rd and obey His commandments like He wants us to. Judgment of this nation and the world is coming very soon, G-d is separating the His sheep from the goats. His sheep know His voice (word) and follow Him (commandments). If you are going somewhere where the Torah is not being taught, find a place and turn from your present way before it's too late. I believe that this nation is doomed, there is no hope for a national repentance to save it from the coming tribulation. But, individual people can escape the judgment of eternal death if you turn to Yeshua and begin to follow Him through His word. Time is running out, the signs are rapidly coming together. Now, go and study!
good job joey. good to have you back.