Q.When Yeshua said "My G-d, My G-d, why have you forsaken me", what did he mean?
A. When Yeshau said "Eli,Eli, lama sabachtani" it was in aramaic and it doesn't mean "forsaken me" but "to this end I was born" or "this is my destiny". That makes much better sense under the circumstances. Yeshua had said many times that he came into this world to be the payment for sin, that what was happening to him was prophesied. A rabbinic technique was to quote the first part of a verse or portion of scripture, and his students would finish it and get the context. In true rabbinical style, Yeshua is teaching, even on the cross.
He quotes Psalm 22.1 but not exactly. The term for forsaken is "azavtani" not "sabachtani". What Yeshua did was to partially quote Psalm 22 and say "to this end I was born" and for his people to remember the Psalm and realize that what they were doing was G-d's plan. The psalm is known as the crucifixion psalm today and describes what they did to him. This psalm says that he would not be forsaken and that G-d would deliver him. He said this to encourage those around him that he was where G-d wanted him. If you would like documentation on this, George Lamsa has a book on Aramaic idioms used in the Bible and he goes into some detail on this. It totally gives this saying life and the correct interpretation. G-d did not forsake Yeshua, or turn away because of sin, it was his destiny and that is what he said.
Q.Where does it say in the Torah that an older man should marry a younger woman and a younger woman should marry an older man?
A. There's probably some older men hoping that it is in the Torah and some younger women hoping it isn't about now, and to tell the truth, the younger women can relax. There is no such command. There were certain advantages under certain circumstances if you did, an older man is settled, had a career and some money and could provide for a family. A younger wife could bear more children and help her husband with vigor, but there is no command to do so.
Q.What is the difference between a "pagan" and a "heathen"?
A.Nothing, both were seen as those who did not know the truth about G-d and His Torah. The word pagan come from the Latin term "paganus" which means country dweller. Heathen is from the old english "haethen" and means unlightened about G-d. In Psalm 2.1 the word for heathen there is "goyim" and translated also as "nations" or gentiles. There really isn't any difference between using heathen or pagan. Gentiles who believe were not seen as heathen anymore, but as G-dfearers and were now a part of the Commonwealth of Israel Eph 2.11-22.
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