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Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction,
upon whom the ends of the ages have come.

1 Corinthians 10:11 (NASB95)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005

FAQ: Temple in Jerusalem

Q. What is your view of the plans to build a Temple in Jerusalem and the exact location?

A.My view on this may be a little different than what you might expect. First, there is no question about the fact that a Temple is coming and will be a factor in the coming Tribulation, or Birthpains. It is mentioned in relation to the Abomination of Desolation in Mt 24 and is mentioned in Revelation 11. Here is the problem. WHen G-d wanted a MIshkan (Tabernacle) he gave the design to Moses and it was built. Whenit came time for a Temple, He gave the design to David, who passed it on to Solomon. Zerubabbel was directed by G-d to build it back again after it was destroyed by the Babylonians.

Ezekiel was given the pattern in his book that describes the Temple when Messiah comes. In every case, G-d chose believers to do the job and gave the pattern. In this case I don't see that. Where are the believers in Yeshua with a word from G-d to build it? Where is the pattern? There is no question that a Temple will be built and G-d desires one. The last 8 chapters of Ezekiel deals with the Messianic Temple, but are the plans for a Temple now really in G-ds will? Again, we know one is standing during the Tribulation, but is it ordained of G-d at this point. Are the people in a state of belief that ordains such a thing? My opinion is that it is possible that G-d is not in these plans. Where are the prophets of G-d leading the way in all this.Where is the clear direction from the L-rd? Where is a Moses?

Where is "David and Solomon and Zerubabbel"? Where is Ezekiel? Where is there anyone involved in this that remotely comes close to the scriptural calling to lead such a thing? They are not there. The people leading the way don"t believe in Yeshua. How can you build a Temple for G-d and not even believe in His Messiah or the scriptures. The coming Temple will be according to Rabbinic?Greco/Roman standards of the 1st century. They aren't even sure they have the right spot in the first place. According to some scholars, the current Temple mount where the Dome of the Rock stands was really the place of the Roman garrison Antonio. Josehus and Titus were eyewitnesses to the destruction of Jerusalem.

They said that if they had not seen the city themselves, they would not have even known one existed after the Roman destruction. Eleazar ben Yair, who lead the zealots at Masada, said that the only thing remaing in the city was the walls around the Roman fortress of Antonio (the current Temple Mount). History records that nothing was built on the ruins of the Temple site when the Dome of the Rock was already there, meaning the Temple site was not on the Temple Mount.

The Temple site is in the southeastern part of the city, in the city of David, near the Gihon spring. Jews moving to Jerusalem a thousand years ago did not want to settle near the current Temple Mount, but south of it near the Gihon spring. THere was never an interest in the area known as the Temple Mount today until ,over time, the Jewish people forgot where the true site was. Anyway, the is a good book on this called "The Temples that Jersualem Forgot" by Ernest Martin.

You can got to the Internet and type in "Ernest Martin" and go to the web site for the "Association for Scriptural Knowledge "and get more on this. Now, this is my opinion and it is given to give you something to think about. Even if the current Temple Mount is the spot, I do not see the Prophets and the true men of G-d leading the way to build this Temple. The scriptural pattern is not there, and the Temple they want to build has many things not ordained in the Torah, like the Court of the Women and walls and prohibitions that exclude Gentiles. Many things like this never existed in Solomon's Temple, and they are not there in Ezekiel's, both of which we know are ordained by G-d. So, I hope this gives you something to think about and helps answer your question. Now, go and study.

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