Q. If people do not know what G-d looks like, how do we know if He is male of female?
A. This question is also related to idolatry, but I will touch on that later. Deut 4.15-19 makes it clear that we are not to have any images of G-d, neither male or female, of animals or birds (so much for the pictures of the Holy Spirit) and the like. Since nobody knows what G-d looks like, we are not to have any pictures or statues of Him. He is neither male nor female, But Spirit. He reveals himself to us in human terms we can understand called “anthropomorphisms”.
The Word says He has eyes, feet, hands and a nose to convey ideas to us, but He doesn’t have these literally. He describes Himself in male terms sometimes, and also female terms. For instance, the term for Holy Spirit in Hebrew is feminine. The term “Shaddai” is feminine and means “many breasted”, “shad” being the term for breast in Hebrew. Yeshua described Himself as a “hen who longed to gather her chicks”. There are many more examples of this, but you get the idea. That brings us to idolatry. We are not to have pictures of the L-rd, it’s just that simple. If you believe Yeshua is G-d, you are not to have pictures of Him. If you believe the Holy Spirit is G-d, you are not to have “dove” pictures. These are graven images.
But, you say, you don’t worship them. The scriptures say you aren’t even to possess them. All these are artist’s renditions, out of their own hearts and minds, and are in and of them-selves false for that reason. If you have them, you need to get rid of them. Nativity scenes, pictures of G-d in your Bibles, the art in the Sistine Chapel in Rome and man’s famous museums are all forbidden by the scriptures. The L-rd gave us ample instruction in His Word on this so there shouldn’t be a lot of comment on it.
Q. Do you believe in “predestination” or “free-will?”
A. Yes, I do. Let me explain. I believe the L-rd knows all things. He is outside of time as we know it, and He knows what is going to happen. On the other hand, He also gives man the right to choose. Countless scriptures attest to this. “Choose this day who you will serve”, “Choose life”, Choose the blessing not the curse”, “G-d is long-suffering, not willing that any should perish” and so on. If man was “predestined” for his fate, G-d would not need to be long-suffering. In the parables it says ”many are called, but few are chosen” is not a good translation.
It mean’s ”many are invited, but few choose to come” and fits perfectly into Yeshua’s parable’s. Man has the gift of choice, but G-d knows what is going to happen with each one of us. It’s like a master chess player will know what you are going to do 15 moves ahead of you, but you still have the right to choose. If predestination is true, then there is no need to pray for anyone, their fate is “predestined” and sealed. There is no “whosoever” in John 3.16. WE are “predestined” to be conformed into the image of Yeshua, which means that is what G-d wants for us, that was His plan, but that is not predestination.
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