Q.Explain Isa. 17 and the destruction of Damascus?
A. This chapter is prophetic of a time in the birtpains when the city of Damascus will be destroyed. THere are some prophetic principles to understand when looking at Scripture. Eschatology is the study of the Messiah and the Redemption. The last ten kings of Judah gives us an itemized view of what is going to happen in the 7-year Tribulation as it is commonly called, or the Birthpains of the Messiah as it has been known in Hebrew thought.The kings are Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manasseh, Amon Josiah, and the last year of the Tribulation is prophesied in the reigns of Jehoiahaz, Jehoiakim,Jehoiachin, and Zedekiah. In Isa 7 we have another prophecy about Damascus being destroyed.
The king of Judah is Ahaz, and he is the second of the last ten kings of Judah so this tells us that the destruction of Damascus could occur in the second year of the Tribulation. Russia will be involved in this and there is a good reason. They will invade Israel around Rosh Ha Shanah-Yom Kippur of the third year. But, they must get Israel's guard down and so they enter into conspiracy with other nations(Obadiah 6-7, Ps 83.1-8).
With Damascus destroyed, Israel has left to fear and they feel that they are living securely. When Israel is invaded by the Russian alliance, Damascus is not even mentioned (Psa 83.1-8) so this tells us that they are gone by the Russian invasion of Israel. So, here is how it may play out. Russia will invade Israel and wants it intact. They will enter into a conspiracy with Israel's enemies and they will either back off or be destroyed. Damascus will not go along with it and Russia destroys them (Assyria in Scripture is a picture of Russia and Assyria attacked Damascus). This makes Israel feel safer and thinks Russia is on her side, but this is setting Israel up for the invasion discussed in the above verses and Ezekiel 38 and 39. In short, Isa 17 discusses the future destruction of Damascus by the Russians in preparation for their planned invasion of Israel around Rosh Hashanah of the third year of the Tribulation.
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