Q. In Mt 18.18-20, it says where two agree on earth about anything, it shall be done for them. Is this talking about prayer?
A. This is another misunderstood chapter. Starting in v.15, the context is congregational authority. There is a concept in the scriptures concerning "binding and loosing". This has also been perverted into "binding demons" and all sorts of things. The terms binding and loosing have to do with permitting (loosing) and forbidding(binding) a certain thing or activity. When one came up to a congregational leader or an elder or someone in authority and ask permission about some activity, he permitted it or disallowed it on the basis of scripture or tradition or common sense or whatever. In mat 18 the context is hoe to handle a situation in the congregation, and Yeshua says that there are steps to follow in dealing with it. Then he says that whatever they decide will be backed by Heaven because it was G-d who gave them the authority to act. When He says that "I will be in the midst of you" he is saying that He is with them, behind them and supporting their decision. So, this has nothing to do with prayer partners and how it is quoted today.These are legal terms and have to do with authority to make decisions.
Q.in Mt 6.22 it says"if your eye is clear(single in KJV)", what does that mean?
A. To have a "clear eye" basically means you are generous, not envious of gold and silver. Again, the context of this section in Mt 6 is giving and possessions. Prov. 22.9 says that "he who is generous will be blessed". The word in Hebrew for generous is "ayin tov" and it means a good eye. SO a good eye is one who is generous. Knowing that then, someone with a" bad eye" (ayin ra) is stingy. In Mt 6.23 it says that if a person has a bad eye he is full of darkness.Again, one who is stingy does not understand and cannot see clearly.
He is envious. Prov. 23.6 says "do not eat the bread of a selfish man" and selfish is "ayin ra" and it means a "bad eye". Prov. 28.22 says "a man with an evil eye hastens after wealth". Mt 20.15 says" Is it not lawful for me to do whatever I wish with what is my own? Or is your eye envious(evil) because I am generous(good)"?. SO, the term "good eye, clear eye or single eye" means generous and "bad eye, evil eye" means stingy and envious.
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