Q. What do the "spaces" between the letters mean on a Torah scroll?
A. The five books of Moses called the Torah (Instruction) was dictated by G-d on Mt. Sinai. Originally, there were no spaces between the words, every letter was next to the other. It looked like a computer program would.
Now, here is a concept that most people are not familiar with. In Mt 5.17-19 Yeshua talks about the Torah and says something very interesting. What He said is translated as "jot or tittle". Of course, that is not literally what he said but the concept is there if you know what you are looking for. A "jot" is a "dot" or marks above certain letters in the Torah scroll. They mean something. There are four places in the Torah these "dots" appear. A "tittle" is a space between letters or words that shouldn't be there, a letter that is left out of a word, or an extra letter in a word, elongated letters, letters written small, the shapes of the sentence structure and how they are arranged in the scroll. There are thousands of instances in the scripture of these"tittles". They all mean seomething. You won't be able to pick up on this in English translations. To see these you have to go to the Hebrew. They are all over and there are teachings that go along with this. So, a space in one place may mean something in that verse, and in another place mean something else. A letter left out of a word means something.
A large letter in a word means something. In our congregation, we show these from time to time. For example, the first word in Gen. 1.1 is "Bereshit", in the beginning. The first letter of bereshit is "beit" meaning "house". That letter beit is written very large meaning G-d is beginning HIs "house" in the creation account. Another example of a "tittle" in Lev 1.1. IN the phrase "and the L-rd called" in Hebrew is said "vayikra". The aleph in vayikra is written small, and the next letter is an aleph written normal. Now, Yeshua said " I am the aleph and the tav" in Rev 1.8. It is translated in english as alpha and omega, but that is not what he said.
The aleph and the tav are the first and last letter in the Hebrew alphabet, meaning He is the Word. the first and final Word. Back in Leviticus 1.1, we have a small aleph. G_d was calling Moses in the verse, the small aleph. He was a picture of Yeshua Moses said,however, that G-d was going to raise a prophet like him someday and we are to listen to his words, alluding to the aleph and the tav imagery again (Deut 18). So, In Lev 1.1, the small aleph (Moses) is followed by a larger aleph(Yeshua). I could go on and on about these and that is why you need to get into a congregation that follows the Torah and has the teachings that you need.
There is more to what G-d has to say than just reading an English translation of the scriptures. Yeshua said there is meaning in these "jots and tittles" and they will not disappear until all are fulfilled. Thats why He said He has not come to "destroy the Law(Torah). Now, most Christian ministers teach that He has come to destroy it, but that is a lie from the pit. The words of Yeshua should be enough to dissuade anyone from believing that, but it isn't. When one is told that they should obey the Torah, they say "I don't believe that!". And there is their problem in the first three words "I don't believe". The "jots and tittles", the marks, dots, spaces and letters mean something to G-d and we should pay attention to them. Now, go and study
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