Q. Why did Jesus violate the Sabbath several times in the New Testament? I believe this means that the Sabbath has been done away with because He remained sinless and this means we don’t have to observe the Sabbath.
A. Well, first of all Yeshua never violated the Sabbath. If he did then He would be with sin, and that seems to be what your accusation is. If He did break the Sabbath, then He cannot be the Messiah, so by your definition Yeshua is not the Messiah. What He did break was some of the man-made traditions that had grown up around the Sabbath, but He never broke G-d’s command about it and that is why He remained sinless. Remember, when He was arrested they found no fault in Him. The religious and secular authorities and even the people found no fault in Him, but evidently, you found fault in Him. They had to bring in false witnesses to try and convict Him. If He had broken the Sabbath by the Torah’s standard, there would’ve been no need for false witnesses.
Your question comes from a profound misunderstanding of the Scriptures that goes so far as to accuse the Messiah of sin to justify why you don’t keep the Sabbath. I understand that you go to a Bible College and that is the theology that is being taught there, but you have to realize what you are saying. Yeshua, Paul, all the teachers of the Messianic movement of the 1st century all taught that you observe the commandments. Yeshua said He did not come to do away with them. What they taught against was man-made traditions that replaced G-d’s commands, like Sunday as the L-rd’s Day and other such teachings. They were against the teaching that one kept the commandments to be saved, or to achieve righteousness with G-d, because you can’t. Remember the Exodus story. The people were saved and delivered by the blood of the Lamb BEFORE they ever received the Torah, or instruction from G-d, and it is the same with us spiritually.
So, Yeshua never broke G-d’s commands, but He did violate Jewish halakah about them, and that is not sin. You cannot use this as an example as to why it is permissible for you to reject the Sabbath in favor of Sunday. The Catholic Church changed that, not G-d and every protestant church that does it follows the catholic Church on this as their sole authority. This isn’t my opinion, they admit it and history testifies about it. You will have to decide who you are going to follow, but let me assure you Yeshua did not ever break the Sabbath nor did He teach others to do it, and still doesn’t today. Secondly, as far as going to church on Sunday, that is not the point.
They met everyday in the synagogues so just because they met on the first day of the week proves nothing, they met everyday. The Sabbath is a day of rest and to refrain from work, two different things. Denominations have taken a stand against the L-rd by saying the 7th day has been changed to Sunday. And that has been done by Christianity since Constantine and that is what is called Replacement Theology.
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